The Modern Idea

Pigment inkjet prints

An ongoing exhibition project, photographs of modernist architecture around the world

Taustraliasquare1 Tbauhaus2 Tbrasov3
Tdentalhospital4 Thorizonseidler5 Tlecorbusierberlin6
TMiesBerlin7 Tmyermusic8 Toperahouse9
TSeagram10 Tshellhaus11 Tsixthave12
Tstanhill13 Tstanhill14 Tstanhill15
Tsutnarbaba16 Ttahara17 Ttaradale18
Ttelaviv19 Ttelaviv20 Ttreasury21
Tvillamuller22 Tacademy23 Pirelli24
Tvillamuller22 Tacademy23 Pirelli24


Dental Hospital, Sydney
Architects: Stephenson, Meldrum & Turner 1937